Northwest CT Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Update

Friday, March 14, 2025 2:57 AM

SB10 An Act Concerning Health Insurance And Patient Protection. - OPPOSE (TRACKED ON 3/5)
Status: Joint Favorable (3/13)

To: (1) Establish (A) certain reporting requirements and enforcement provisions concerning compliance with mental health and substance use disorder benefit laws, and (B) the parity advancement account; (2) require health carriers to bear the burden of proving that certain health care services under adverse determination or utilization review are not medically necessary; (3) establish certain prohibitions on the use of step therapy for prescription drugs; (4) require health carriers to include certain provisions in contracts with health care providers regarding reimbursement for certain covered health benefits; (5) establish certain requirements concerning stop loss insurance policies for health care or medical benefits under any self-funded employee health benefit plan; (6) establish certain health insurance rate filing requirements and require that the Insurance Commissioner adopt regulations concerning affordability in rate filing; (7) prohibit the use of artificial intelligence to make an adverse determination based on medical necessity; and (8) prohibit any individual or group health insurance policy from imposing (A) arbitrary time limits on reimbursement for general anesthesia services, or (B) unilateral arbitrary limitations on reimbursement for medically necessary ancillary services.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB7008 An Act Concerning A Research And Development Expenses Tax Credit For Pass-through Entities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/19)
Status: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (3/13)

To establish a tax credit for research and development expenses of pass-through entities.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):
Thu 3/6 11:00 AM @

HB6785 An Act Establishing A Revolving Loan Fund To Assist In Developing Commercial Storefronts. - (TRACKED ON 1/28)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Commerce (1/29)

To establish a revolving loan fund to assist in developing commercial storefronts.

Email Committee Members

HB6786 An Act Concerning The Hiring Ratio For Skilled Trades. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/28)
Status: Vote to Draft (2/28)

To establish that the hiring ratio for the skilled trades be one apprentice to one licensee.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):
Thu 2/27 11:00 AM @

HB6460 An Act Concerning Interchange Fees On Electronic Payment Transactions. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/27)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/24)

To prohibit payment card networks from including sales and use taxes in the amount on which interchange fees are imposed.

Email Committee Members

HB6517 An Act Concerning Disclosures Of Salary Ranges On Public And Internal Job Postings. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/4 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/28)

To amend current law on salary transparency by requiring employers to disclose salary ranges on public and internal job postings.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6518 An Act Concerning Employers' Chargeability For Unemployment Benefits. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)

To make only an employee's most recent employer chargeable for unemployment benefit payments.

Email Committee Members

HB6519 An Act Reducing The Employee Contribution For The Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance Program. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/24)

To reduce the percentage of an employee's subject earnings an employee must contribute to the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Trust Fund.

Email Committee Members

HB6722 An Act Concerning Reimbursement Of Certain Fees For Veterans Or Sponsors Of Veterans In Apprenticeship Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Favorable Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Appropriations (3/13)

To allow reimbursement of certain licensing, certification, registration and tuition fees for veterans or sponsors of veterans in apprenticeship programs.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1032 An Act Expanding Paid Family And Medical Leave To All Employees. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)

To expand the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program to include all employees, including those under collective bargaining agreements.

Email Committee Members

SB1034 An Act Concerning Employee Exposure To The Risk Of Heat Illness. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)

To protect workers from exposure to the risk of heat illness.

Email Committee Members

SB1035 An Act Concerning Limitations On The Use Of Nondisclosure Agreements. - (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/4 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/28)

To limit the misuse of nondisclosure agreements by adopting similar provisions from California, New Jersey and Washington law regarding limitations on the use of nondisclosure agreements.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1036 An Act Establishing Disclosures For Job Postings And Employees. - (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/22)

To establish disclosures similar to Colorado's equal pay law to ensure pay transparency and eliminate wage disparities.

Email Committee Members

HB6433 An Act Concerning Captive Insurance. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: File Number 63 (3/10)

To: (1) Expand the applicability of the insurance penalty provision to captive insurance companies; (2) allow any captive insurance company to convert into one or more protected cells without impacting such company's assets, rights, benefits, obligations and liabilities; (3) allow any protected cell to be sold, transferred, assigned or conveyed to a new or existing sponsored captive insurance company with all of such protected cell's assets, rights, benefits, obligations and liabilities; and (4) allow the commissioner to separate any insolvent protected cell from any sponsored captive insurance company and address the insolvency of such protected cell separate from the financial condition of such sponsored captive insurance company.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5812 An Act Concerning Funding For A Career Academy In Waterbury. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/22)

To provide funding for a career academy in Waterbury.

Email Committee Members

HB5968 An Act Concerning World-wide Combined Reporting For Corporate Tax Liability Purposes. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)

To make, for purposes of corporate tax liability, world-wide combined reporting mandatory rather than elective, where applicable.

Email Committee Members

HB5972 An Act Concerning Taxpayers With Declared Tip Income Over A Certain Threshold. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)

To require taxpayers who file a return with declared tip income over one hundred thousand dollars to register with the Department of Revenue Services and require such taxpayers, if the federal government excludes tips as taxable wages or implements a reduced income tax rate on tips, to pay to the state the amount of tax forgiven by the federal government.

Email Committee Members

HB5975 An Act Establishing A Personal Income Tax Deduction For Tips Or Gratuities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/22)

To establish a personal income tax deduction for the amount of tips or gratuities declared by a taxpayer for the taxable year.

Email Committee Members

HB6035 An Act Authorizing Self-certification As A Small Business Enterprise Or Minority-owned Business. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections (1/22)

To make obtaining certification as a small business enterprise or minority-owned business easier by creating a new Internet web site for self-certification.

Email Committee Members

HB6172 An Act Reducing The Filing Fee For Annual Reports Filed By Certain Business Entities With The Office Of The Secretary Of The State. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (2/18)

To assist small businesses by decreasing the amount of the fee for filing annual business reports with the Office of the Secretary of the State from eighty dollars to forty dollars.

Email Committee Members

HB6190 An Act Concerning Funding For The Occupational And Professional Licensing Division Within The Department Of Consumer Protection. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/23)

To fund additional in-the-field license inspector positions in the Occupational and Professional Licensing Division of the Department of Consumer Protection.

Email Committee Members

HB6310 An Act Concerning The Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/23)

To increase the maximum amount of the corporation business tax credit for wages paid to apprentices in the construction trades from four thousand dollars to seven thousand five hundred dollars per apprentice.

Email Committee Members

HB6404 An Act Increasing The Number Of Wage And Hour Investigators At The Labor Department. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/23)

To increase the number of wage and hour investigators employed at the Labor Department.

Email Committee Members

HB6409 An Act Concerning Undue Delay In Workers' Compensation Claims. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Vote to Draft (3/6)

To limit undue delay by an employer or its insurance carrier in providing compensation for medically necessary treatment or equipment.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6457 An Act Reestablishing The Job Expansion Tax Credit Program. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/24)

To reestablish the job expansion tax credit program.

Email Committee Members

HB6738 An Act Establishing A Forgivable Loan Program For Certain Individuals Who Start A Business In The Trades. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Commerce (1/27)

To encourage individuals working in trades in the state to establish and operate businesses in Connecticut by creating a forgivable loan program.

Email Committee Members

HB6740 An Act Concerning The Redevelopment Of Vacant Commercial Property Located In Economically Distressed Municipalities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: CE Public Hearing: Tue 2/11 11:15 AM @ (2/6)

To encourage the redevelopment of vacant commercial properties located in economically distressed municipalities and facilitate the filling of such vacancies.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):
Tue 2/11 11:15 AM @

HB6187 An Act Concerning The Manufacturing Innovation Fund. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/23)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/23)

To supply funding to be deposited into the Manufacturing Innovation Fund to support manufacturing apprenticeships in the state.

Email Committee Members

HB5700 An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)

To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store.

Email Committee Members

HB5703 An Act Adjusting The Annual Increase To The Minimum Wage. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To adjust the annual increase to the minimum wage according to the percentage change in the employment cost index or not more than ten cents per hour, whichever is lower.

Email Committee Members

HB5760 An Act Concerning Unemployment Benefits For Striking Workers. - OPPOSE (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To allow striking workers to receive unemployment benefits for the duration of a strike.

Email Committee Members

HB5763 An Act Concerning Compensation For Bereavement Leave Under The Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance Program. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To allow persons who are grieving the loss of a loved one to qualify for compensation under the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program.

Email Committee Members

HB5777 An Act Decreasing The Filing Fee For Annual Reports Filed By Certain Business Entities With The Secretary Of The State. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary (1/21)

To lower the cost of doing business in the state by decreasing the filing fee incurred by certain business entities when filing annual reports with the Secretary of the State.

Email Committee Members

HB5793 An Act Concerning The Reporting Of Newly Hired Employees To The Labor Department. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To streamline administrative reporting for employers who employ seasonal employees.

Email Committee Members

HB5794 An Act Concerning The Amount Of Wages An Employer Must Pay To Be Subject To The Provisions Of The Unemployment Compensation Act. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To lower operating costs for small businesses in the state by adjusting the amount of wages an employer must pay in order to be subject to the provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Act.

Email Committee Members

SB828 An Act Establishing A Working Group To Examine The Workers' Compensation Program. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Vote to Draft (3/6)

To provide recommendations to improve the workers' compensation program in the state.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB830 An Act Establishing Safety Standards To Prevent Heat-related Illness In Workplaces. - (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/11 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (3/7)

To create safety standards to prevent employee exposure to the risk of heat-related illness.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB831 An Act Concerning Advanced Notice Of An Employee's Work Schedule To Certain Employees. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/4 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/28)

To require employers to provide advance notice to certain employees of such employees' work schedule and work schedule changes and create a cause of action for violations of advance notice requirements.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB832 An Act Concerning Protections For Warehouse Workers In The State. - (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/21)

To create protections for warehouse workers against unreasonable quotas.

Email Committee Members

HB5547 An Act Eliminating The Highway Use Tax. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)

To eliminate the highway use tax.

Email Committee Members

HB5548 An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)

To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store.

Email Committee Members

HB5552 An Act Concerning The Bonus Depreciation Tax Deduction Schedule For Pass-through Entities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/21)

To allow pass-through entities to claim the full amount of their bonus depreciation tax deductions in the first year eligible assets are placed in service.

Email Committee Members

HB5570 An Act Establishing A Maximum Occupational And Professional License Fee. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on General Law (1/21)

To provide that no fee charged for an occupational or professional license shall exceed one hundred dollars.

Email Committee Members

HB5573 An Act Requiring The Commissioner Of Consumer Protection To Conduct A Survey Of Other States' Occupational And Professional Training And Licensing Requirements. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on General Law (1/21)

To require the Commissioner of Consumer Protection to (1) survey other states' occupational and professional training and licensing requirements and compare such other states' requirements to Connecticut's requirements, and (2) submit a report outlining the commissioner's findings.

Email Committee Members

HB5604 An Act Eliminating The Labor Consultant Tax Deduction. - OPPOSE (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (2/13)

To eliminate the business tax deduction write off for businesses hiring consultants to discourage workers from voting for a union.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5607 An Act Concerning The Subminimum Wage For Persons With Disabilities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Vote to Draft (3/6)

To eliminate the subminimum wage for persons with disabilities.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5609 An Act Concerning Retirement Benefits And Workers' Compensation Benefits. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/4 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/28)

To prohibit employers from reducing retirement benefits due to an employee receiving workers' compensation benefits.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5619 An Act Authorizing The Imposition Of A Fee For Single-use Paper Checkout Bags. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Planning and Development (1/21)

To authorize municipalities to require the imposition of a fee in the amount of two cents on each single-use paper checkout bag used at the point of sale in a retail establishment.

Email Committee Members

HB5406 An Act Eliminating The Highway Use Tax. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)

To eliminate the highway use tax.

Email Committee Members

HB5407 An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)

To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store.

Email Committee Members

HB5409 An Act Reducing Fees For Small Business Filings With The Secretary Of The State. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/17)

To reduce fees for small business filings with the Secretary of the State.

Email Committee Members

SB8 An Act Concerning Protections For Workers And Enhancements To Workers' Rights. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/15)
Status: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (3/7)

To protect workers' rights.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5266 An Act Establishing Tax Incentives To Encourage Small And Medium-sized Businesses To Hire Locally. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/15)

To establish tax credits and wage subsidies to incentivize small and medium-sized businesses to participate in training programs and hire a significant portion of their workforce from the local community.

Email Committee Members

HB5277 An Act Allowing Sponsoring Associations To Create Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Insurance and Real Estate (1/15)

To allow sponsoring associations to create multiple employer welfare arrangements for purposes of providing health insurance coverage to such sponsoring association's members.

Email Committee Members

SB611 An Act Establishing A Maximum Charge For Certain Occupational Licenses, Certifications, Permits And Registrations. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (3/13)

To provide that neither the Commissioner of Consumer Protection nor the Department of Consumer Protection may charge certain individuals a license, permit, certification or registration fee in an amount that is greater than one hundred dollars per license, certification, permit or registration year.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB621 An Act Making The Connecticut Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance Program An Opt-in Program. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/15)

To make the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program an opt-in program.

Email Committee Members

SB524 An Act Prohibiting Payment Of Unemployment Compensation To Striking Workers. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/13)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/13)

To prohibit payment of unemployment compensation or other forms of payment from the state from being paid to striking workers.

Email Committee Members

SB525 An Act Concerning The Selection Of Contractors For Public Works Projects. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/13)
Status: LAB Public Hearing: Tue 3/4 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2B AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/28)

To generate job growth and economic development by requiring the state and its agents to give preference to in-state manufacturers, fabricators and erectors.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB5077 An Act Concerning Web 3.0 Technologies And The Expansion Of Broadband Internet Access. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/10)
Status: Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on General Law (2/14)

To establish a task force to oversee the implementation and regulation of technologies known as "Web3" or "Web 3.0" and to foster collaboration between public and private entities concerning such technologies, and to create grant programs to support (1) decentralized finance or peer-to-peer lending initiatives, (2) the expansion of broadband Internet access for underserved areas, and (3) education and workforce development concerning blockchain literacy and skill building.

Email Committee Members

HB5081 An Act Eliminating The Highway Use Tax. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/10)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/10)

To eliminate the highway use tax.

Email Committee Members

HB5082 An Act Concerning The Sales And Use Taxes Imposed On Meals Sold By An Eating Establishment, Caterer Or Grocery Store. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/10)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/10)

To eliminate the additional one per cent sales and use taxes imposed on meals sold by an eating establishment, caterer or grocery store.

Email Committee Members

HB5092 An Act Amending Apprenticeship Hiring Ratios. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/10)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/10)

To amend the apprenticeship hiring ratios.

Email Committee Members

HB5097 An Act Concerning Sponsorship Of Apprenticeship Programs By Contractors Receiving State Funds. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/10)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees (1/10)

To require contractors receiving state funds to sponsor certain apprenticeship programs.

Email Committee Members