Legislative Update
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 9:11 AM

HB6924 An Act Concerning Public Education In The State. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/12)
Status: ED Public Hearing: Wed 2/19 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1E AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To require the Department of Education to conduct a study of public education in Connecticut.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1287 An Act Concerning Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/12)
Status: ED Public Hearing: Wed 2/19 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1E AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To require the Department of Education to study schools.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1288 An Act Implementing The Recommendations Of The Department Of Education. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/12)
Status: ED Public Hearing: Wed 2/19 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1E AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To implement the recommendations of the Department of Education.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6952 An Act Concerning Certain Recreational And Educational Children's Programs. - (TRACKED ON 2/11)
Status: KID Public Hearing: Thu 2/20 02:00 PM @ ROOM 1C AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To (1) prohibit certain recreational or educational children's programs from using the term "camp" in advertising materials, (2) require certain employees of municipal recreational or educational children's programs to submit to comprehensive background checks, (3) require municipal recreational or educational children's programs to maintain certain staffing ratios and employ staff persons trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid, and (4) require certain employees of municipal recreational or educational children's programs to serve as mandated reporters and complete related training.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6866 An Act Implementing The Governor's Budget Recommendations For Education. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/6)
Status: ED Public Hearing: Wed 2/19 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1E AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To implement the Governor's budget recommendations.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6867 An Act Creating The Universal Preschool Endowment. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/6)
Status: ED Public Hearing: Wed 2/19 10:00 AM @ ROOM 1E AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/14)

To implement the Governor's budget recommendations.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1243 An Act Concerning Fare-free Bus Public Transportation Services For High School Students, Veterans And Low-income Passengers. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 2/5)
Status: TRA Public Hearing: Mon 2/10 11:00 AM @ ROOM 2C AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (2/6)

To provide fare-free bus public transportation services for high school students, veterans and low-income passengers.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB1196 An Act Concerning The Disciplinary Process For Educators. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/30)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/30)

To provide educators additional protections against unfair termination and reduce the vagueness of the current standard in disciplinary proceedings.

Email Committee Members

SB1216 An Act Concerning School Emergency Response Systems. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/30)
Status: KID Public Hearing: Thu 2/6 01:00 PM @ ROOM 1C AND ZOOM AND YOUTUBE LIVE (1/31)

To authorize the use of funds received under the school security infrastructure competitive grant program for the purchase of emergency response communications systems and personal emergency communication devices for school personnel.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6790 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of Civics Education As Part Of Special Education Instruction. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/28)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/29)

To provide students with special needs the foundational knowledge on civic rights and responsibilities.

Email Committee Members

SB1166 An Act Concerning Later School Start Times. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/27)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/28)

To improve student health, academic performance and well-being by establishing later start times for schools that are aligned with research on adolescent sleep patterns.

Email Committee Members

HB6506 An Act Concerning The Protection Of Sports Officials. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary (1/24)

To protect sports officials from increasing attacks and assaults and prevent further attrition from the ranks of people willing to serve in such roles.

Email Committee Members

HB6557 An Act Establishing A Student Loan Forgiveness Program And Recruitment And Retention Incentive Program For Licensed Athletic Trainers. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health (1/24)

To establish retention and recruitment incentives for athletic trainers to address the shortage of athletic trainers in the state.

Email Committee Members

HB6577 An Act Prohibiting Biological Males From Accessing Women's Or Girls' Bathrooms, Lavatories, Locker Rooms And Changing Rooms. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health (1/24)

To protect girls and women from biological males accessing women's or girls' bathrooms, lavatories, locker rooms and changing rooms.

Email Committee Members

SB872 An Act Concerning The Requirements For Participation On Gender-specific Sports Teams In High School And College Athletics. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To protect the health, safety and scholarship opportunities of female athletes.

Email Committee Members

SB876 An Act Concerning The Collection Of Information Of Students Who Withdraw From School Without Graduating. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To collect and report information concerning student withdrawal from school in order to provide better services and resources to students and families in the state.

Email Committee Members

SB882 An Act Requiring Local And Regional Boards Of Education To Provide Transparency In Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Training Materials. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To ensure that schools provide transparency in the training and instructional materials used to promote diversity, equity and inclusion and to give parents and students reasonable access to review such materials.

Email Committee Members

SB921 An Act Imposing A Tax On Sugar-sweetened Beverages And Dedicating The Revenue Generated To Fund School Breakfast And Lunch Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (2/18)

To impose a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and dedicate the revenue generated from such tax to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students, regardless of family income.

Email Committee Members

SB1017 An Act Concerning The Penalty For Assaulting A Coach. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary (1/22)

To promote safety of coaches in youth sports, thus promoting the safety of those promoting team sports and sportsmanship.

Email Committee Members

SB1155 An Act Requiring The State To Pay For Transition Services For The School Year In Which A Student Reaches Twenty-two Years Of Age. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/26)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/24)

To reimburse local and regional boards of education for the cost of transition services for a student who reaches twenty-two years of age for the school year in which such student reaches such age.

Email Committee Members

HB5884 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of The Greek Genocide In The Holocaust And Genocide Education And Awareness Curriculum. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To provide an additional option for Holocaust education by including the Greek genocide.

Email Committee Members

HB5893 An Act Funding Cardiac Emergency Response Plans. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To require the establishment of a grant program to assist schools, with a priority given to priority schools, with implementing cardiac emergency response plans and a procedure for monitoring adherence to cardiac emergency response plans and to allow local and regional boards of education to accept gifts, grants and donations for such purpose.

Email Committee Members

HB5899 An Act Establishing State-wide Start Times For Public Middle And High Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To establish a state-wide later start time for public middle schools and high schools.

Email Committee Members

HB6185 An Act Concerning The Consumption Of Energy Drinks By Children. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (2/18)

To establish a working group to study the medical risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks by children and effects of a prohibition on the sale of energy drinks to children, and require signage related to the medical risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks by children.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6329 An Act Concerning Intercollegiate Female Sports Team Competitions. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Higher Education and Employment Advancement (1/23)

To prohibit a publicly funded intercollegiate female sports team from competing against any team on which there is a player whose assigned sex at birth is male, except competitions held only for exhibition purposes.

Email Committee Members

HB6395 An Act Concerning The Provision And Promotion Of Energy Drinks To Children And Requiring Identification For The Purchase Of Energy Drinks. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Children (1/23)

To (1) prohibit the provision of energy drink samples and promotion of energy drinks to children under the age of sixteen, and (2) require identification for the purchase of energy drinks.

Email Committee Members

HB6446 An Act Concerning Student Athlete Compensation Through Endorsement Contracts And Revenue Sharing Agreements. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/25)
Status: Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 02/19/25 5:00 PM (2/13)

To allow institutions of higher education to enter into endorsement contracts and revenue sharing agreements with student athletes and require public institutions of higher education to submit a report on the revenue shared with student athletes pursuant to a revenue sharing agreement.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

HB6453 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/23)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/24)

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Email Committee Members

HB6603 An Act Concerning The Cardiac Health Of Student Athletes. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/23)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health (1/24)

To protect children from cardiac emergencies while participating in school athletic activities.

Email Committee Members

HB5824 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of Certain Employees Of The Connecticut Association Of Schools In The Teachers' Retirement System. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/22)

To include certain employees of the Connecticut Association of Schools in the teachers' retirement system.

Email Committee Members

HB5827 An Act Concerning A Study Of The Public Employee Retirement Systems. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/22)

To raise awareness of issues involving vesting in the public employee retirement systems, promote equity among employees and teacher recruitment.

Email Committee Members

HB5870 An Act Awarding A Pension Credit To Teachers Who Worked Full-time Through The Covid-19 Pandemic. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To award a one-year service credit under the teachers' retirement system to each teacher who worked full-time through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Email Committee Members

HB5875 An Act Concerning Section 504 Plans. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To (1) specify the role of school counselors as facilitators in establishing Section 504 plans, (2) require the Department of Education to collect and share data related to Section 504 plans, and (3) establish a working group to study Section 504 plan.

Email Committee Members

HB5876 An Act Allowing Teachers To Communicate With Parents Concerning A Student's Gender Identity. - NO POSITION (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To allow a teacher to tell a parent that the gender identity of such parent's child differs from such child's sex assigned at birth.

Email Committee Members

HB6201 An Act Prohibiting Student Athletes Who Were Born As Males From Participating In Women's Interscholastic Athletic Events. - (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/23)

To eliminate unfair competition in women's interscholastic sporting competition.

Email Committee Members

HB6203 An Act Concerning The Participation Of Home-schooled Students In Extracurricular And Athletic Activities Offered By School Districts. - (TRACKED ON 1/22)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/23)

To allow home-schooled children to participate in school extracurricular activities and interscholastic and intramural athletics.

Email Committee Members

HB5853 An Act Prohibiting Biological Males From Competing In Female Sports. - (TRACKED ON 1/21)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To prohibit biological males from competing on female athletic teams in interscholastic and intramural athletic events.

Email Committee Members

HB5882 An Act Prohibiting Biological Males From Participating In Female-only Sports. - (TRACKED ON 1/21)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports.

Email Committee Members

HB5894 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - (TRACKED ON 1/21)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/22)

To limit participation within female-only college and high school sports to biological females.

Email Committee Members

HB5125 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/14)

To protect women's rights by allowing only biological females to use female locker rooms and facilities and participate on public female-only athletic teams.

Email Committee Members

HB5662 An Act Requiring Monthly Crisis Response Drills. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To require monthly crisis response drills at each public school.

Email Committee Members

HB5663 An Act Establishing A Working Group To Evaluate Changes To School Start Times. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To establish a working group to evaluate the feasibility of modifying school start times in the state to align with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Email Committee Members

HB5664 An Act Concerning The Availability Of Menstrual Products In Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To ensure the appropriate use of menstrual products provided to children in schools.

Email Committee Members

HB5666 An Act Concerning The Disciplinary Hearing Process For Teachers. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To provide a similar standard in discipline and dismissal proceedings as provided for other employees of boards of education.

Email Committee Members

HB5670 An Act Concerning Parental Notification Of Behavior Intervention Meetings. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To maintain parents' and guardians' involvement in their child's mental and emotional well-being at school and build closer working relationships among parents and guardians, teachers, staff and administrators to protect children and improve educational and emotional outcomes.

Email Committee Members

HB5789 An Act Establishing Guidelines For Participation In Male And Female Athletic Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To establish guidelines for participation in male and female athletic programs.

Email Committee Members

SB779 An Act Permitting Retired Teachers To Be Reemployed Full-time In A Public School. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing (2/18)

To address the teacher shortage by permitting retired teachers to be reemployed full-time in a public school.

Email Committee Members

Hearing Date(s):

SB780 An Act Concerning Exit Exams For Grade Promotion In Public Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/20)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To ensure that students are ready to advance to the next grade level.

Email Committee Members

HB5336 An Act Concerning The Protection Of A Parents' Right To Raise Their Children Consistent With Their Children's Biological Sex And The Promotion Of Fairness In Interscholastic Athletic Competition. - (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health (1/16)

To protect a parents' right to raise children consistent with their biological sex and promote fairness in interscholastic athletic competition.

Email Committee Members

HB5352 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/16)

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Email Committee Members

HB5491 An Act Providing Funding For Bus Public Transportation For Students. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/21)

To provide free bus public transportation to students in kindergarten to grade twelve.

Email Committee Members

HB5499 An Act Concerning The Removal Of Certain Limitations On The Reemployment Of Retired Teachers. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations (1/21)

To address teacher shortages by removing certain limitations on the reemployment of retired teachers.

Email Committee Members

HB5505 An Act Concerning School Wellness Policies. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To ensure that students with allergies are safe at school and have parties that are toy and craft-based rather than food-based parties.

Email Committee Members

HB5506 An Act Requiring Cultural Education For Superintendents And Board Of Education Members. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To require superintendents, assistant superintendents and presidents of local and regional boards of education of a school district in which eighty per cent or more of the student population belongs to one ethnic group to complete not less than thirty credit hours in cultural education in the history and socioeconomic conditions of such ethnic group.

Email Committee Members

HB5516 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of The Naturalization Test As Part Of The High School Graduation Requirements. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To promote civics education and encourage participation in the democratic process among high school students.

Email Committee Members

HB5518 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Email Committee Members

HB5519 An Act Establishing A Pilot Program For Later School Start Times For The Technical Education And Career System. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To establish a pilot program to implement a later school start time for schools in the Technical Education and Career System.

Email Committee Members

HB5522 An Act Concerning The Instruction Of African-american And Black Studies And Puerto Rican And Latino Studies In Middle School. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To promote diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness by integrating African-American and Black and Puerto Rican and Latino studies into the educational experience of middle school students across Connecticut.

Email Committee Members

HB5523 An Act Concerning The Certification Process For Educators From Other Countries. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To address staffing shortages in educational institutions across Connecticut by simplifying the certification and licensure process for educators trained in other countries.

Email Committee Members

HB5669 An Act Prohibiting Students Who Are Biological Males From Competing On Female-only Athletic Teams And Using Female-only Locker Rooms And Facilities. - (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/21)

To prohibit biological males from participating in girls' sports and accessing girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.

Email Committee Members

SB690 An Act Providing Civil Immunity To Interscholastic Athletic Organizations And The Sanctioning Bodies Of Private Youth Organizations That Adopt Gender Identity Policies Concerning Athletic Participation And Competition. - (TRACKED ON 1/19)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary (1/16)

To provide civil immunity for interscholastic athletic organizations and the sanctioning bodies of private youth organizations when such entities adopt policies that require an athletic participant to compete on a team that matches the gender identity on the person's birth certificate.

Email Committee Members

HB5378 An Act Concerning Revisions To The Next Generation Science Standards And The Climate Change Curriculum Taught To Students. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To amend the portion of the Next Generation Science Standards as it relates to the climate change curriculum requirement.

Email Committee Members

HB5379 An Act Delaying Implementation Of Early Start Ct. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To delay implementation of Early Start CT until July 1, 2026, to allow local and regional boards of education an additional year to address issues relating to teacher contracts.

Email Committee Members

HB5380 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of Reading Proficiency As A High School Graduation Requirement. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To require high school graduates to be able to read at a minimum of an eighth-grade reading level.

Email Committee Members

HB5381 An Act Concerning Funding Of The Special Education Excess Cost Grant. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To ensure full funding of the special education excess cost grants for all towns.

Email Committee Members

HB5382 An Act Concerning Free Bus Passes For High School Students. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To provide free bus transportation to high school students in Connecticut.

Email Committee Members

HB5383 An Act Establishing The School Accountability Review Board. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To establish the School Accountability Review Board.

Email Committee Members

HB5384 An Act Concerning The Establishment Of A Pilot Program For At-risk Youth. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/17)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/17)

To establish a pilot program for at-risk youth in grades six to eight, inclusive, to engage in hands-on, project-based learning programs that align academic content with practical applications, including vocational and community experience.

Email Committee Members

HB5122 An Act Concerning Performance Evaluations For Superintendents Of School Districts. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/14)

To ensure that performance evaluations for superintendents of schools are completed in a transparent manner.

Email Committee Members

HB5123 An Act Repealing The Minimum Budget Requirement. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/14)

To repeal the minimum budget requirement.

Email Committee Members

HB5124 An Act Requiring The Inclusion Of A Minimum Reading Proficiency Level As Part Of The High School Graduation Requirements. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/14)

To require high school graduates to be able to read at a minimum of an eighth-grade reading level.

Email Committee Members

HB5248 An Act Concerning The Waiver Process For The Comprehensive Reading Curriculum Model Or Program Requirements. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To amend the waiver process for the comprehensive reading curriculum model or program requirements.

Email Committee Members

HB5249 An Act Providing An Exemption From The Reading Curriculum Model Or Program Requirement For Certain School Districts. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To exempt high-performing school districts from the requirements of the state-mandated reading curriculum.

Email Committee Members

HB5250 An Act Eliminating The Mandate That Boards Of Education Implement Certain Reading Curriculum Models Or Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To make implementation of certain reading curriculum models or programs optional for boards of education.

Email Committee Members

HB5251 An Act Appropriating Funds For The Full Funding Of The Special Education Excess Cost Grant. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To fully fund the special education excess cost grant.

Email Committee Members

HB5252 An Act Lowering The Threshold For Excess Cost Reimbursement For In-district Special Education Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To lower the threshold for excess cost reimbursement for in-district special education programs from four and one-half times the net current expenditures per pupil to three times such expenditures.

Email Committee Members

HB5254 An Act Establishing A Task Force To Study School Start Times. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To establish a task force to conduct a study on school start times.

Email Committee Members

HB5255 An Act Concerning Teacher Certification Reciprocity. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To address the teacher shortage in the state by allowing qualified teachers from other states to obtain Connecticut certification more efficiently.

Email Committee Members

HB5257 An Act Expanding The Age Of Eligibility For Special Education For A Child Experiencing Developmental Delay. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To expand the age limit for eligibility for special education for a child experiencing developmental delay from age five to age nine.

Email Committee Members

HB5286 An Act Concerning Threats Made To Schools. - SUPPORT (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary (1/15)

To discourage and punish the reporting of false threats to school systems.

Email Committee Members

SB580 An Act Concerning The Establishment Of A Model Policy Banning The Use Of Cellular Mobile Telephones In Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To require the establishment of a model policy banning the use of cellular mobile telephones by students during the school day.

Email Committee Members

SB582 An Act Repealing The Funding Exemption To The Automatic External Defibrillators In Schools Requirement. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To repeal the exemption from the requirement that all schools have automatic external defibrillators.

Email Committee Members

SB584 An Act Requiring Online Posting Of School Curricula And Other Course Materials. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To provide transparency in the public school system.

Email Committee Members

SB585 An Act Concerning Public Access To A School District's Curriculum And The Prohibition Of The Teaching Of Biased Political Ideology In Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To allow parents of students to have a meaningful role in their child's education by requiring access to public school curriculum and prohibiting the teaching of biased political ideology in schools.

Email Committee Members

SB591 An Act Concerning The Inclusion Of A Hold Harmless Provision For The Education Cost-sharing Grant Formula. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To hold towns harmless in the rollout of the education cost-sharing formula.

Email Committee Members

SB592 An Act Concerning Participation On A Youth Sports Team Based On Assigned Sex At Birth. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To limit participation on a youth sports team for public school students based on a student's assigned sex at birth.

Email Committee Members

SB595 An Act Concerning Tiered Membership To An Interscholastic Athletic Conference. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/15)

To allow for an associated membership to an interscholastic athletic conference to allow eligible nonmember schools to participate in state tournaments.

Email Committee Members

SB600 An Act Authorizing Bonds Of The State For The Purchase Of Automatic External Defibrillators At Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/14)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/15)

To provide funding to schools for the purchase of automatic external defibrillators.

Email Committee Members

SB503 An Act Concerning The Establishment Of School Voucher Programs. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/13)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/13)

To remove any prohibitions against a board of education establishing a program that distributes funds that follow an individual student and gives parents the freedom to choose the appropriate school for their children, and to create more opportunities for school choice in the state while not creating any additional mandates on students or their parents to participate in any public school system and not interfering with parents' right to homeschool their children.

Email Committee Members

SB504 An Act Prohibiting Compelled Speech In Public Schools. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/13)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/13)

To prohibit compelled speech in public schools in Connecticut.

Email Committee Members

SB526 An Act Expanding The Exemptions To The Required Immunizations Law For Students. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/13)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health (1/13)

To expand the exemptions to state mandatory vaccination laws for school-aged children.

Email Committee Members

HB5009 An Act Requiring Schools To Meet Recommended Best Practices Regarding Cardiac Health. - MONITOR (TRACKED ON 1/11)
Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Education (1/8)

To ensure that schools are meeting recommended best practices concerning cardiac health.

Email Committee Members

HB5001 An Act Concerning The Quality And Delivery Of Special Education Services In Connecticut. - (TRACKED ON 1/8)
Status: Vote to Draft (2/10)

To improve the quality and delivery of special education services.

Email Committee Members